Most Popular 4-Syllable Girl Names that Start with F
A list of popular Female names with four syllables and first letter F
NOTE: Counting syllables is not always an exact science!
If you see something wrong, please let us know.
If you see something wrong, please let us know.
# | Name | Avg. Age | Peak Year | More |
1 | Felicity | 11 | 2017 | Fe- Girl Names |
2 | Felecia | 49 | 1963 | Fe- Girl Names |
3 | Fabiola | 22 | 1995 | Fa- Girl Names |
4 | Filomena | 107 | 1907 | Fi- Girl Names |
5 | Felicitas | 91 | 1928 | Fe- Girl Names |
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6 | Frederica | 125 | 1887 | Fr- Girl Names |
7 | Fredericka | 133 | 1883 | Fr- Girl Names |
…and 0 more!